Good News – Amazon Now Ship to Nigeria & Other Countries Without Any Third Party

Good News, atleast the table is gradually turning around… You
can now ship directly from Amazon to Nigeria, Egypt, Kenya  and other countries without any third party
involved. The limitation of no Shipping to Nigeria has now been removed.

The New Amazon global program removes the barrier hitherto
associated with Amazon International shipping which limited Amazon Shipment to
most  international shoppers (outside the United
States) to only  books, DVDs, and CDs.

Now you can ship just anything and have
it deliver to your doorstep. Note that goods are twice as cheap as you think.
The other day, I was surfing through their site and I came in contact with
iPhone 5s that goes for N50,000 instead of the normal price N116,000
You no longer need any third party to
address like Myus or Mailforafrica to ship your items for you can order just
anything and Amazon will estimate the import fee (import duty) for
the product you order during checkout and will empower the courier to obtain
custom clearance on your behalf, while you are seated at home, your order will be delivered without you worrying about port clearance.
Those of us that love business, you can
order for the cheapest laptop, tablets, SD cards, Power banks and smartphones and resale them with
huge profit. No time to waste. This is real business made easy.
Souce Amazon
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13 thoughts on “Good News – Amazon Now Ship to Nigeria & Other Countries Without Any Third Party”

    • I have been going through their site, surfing through some cheap laptops and I discovered that most third party who sell on AMazon at the moment don't ship to Nigeria. Maybe as time goes on, they will embrace this new policy from Amazon.

      I equally saw that Asus Laptop, I added it to Cart before my eye cleared up that they don't ship to Lagos, Nigeria. But its from a third party.


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