Latest WhatsApp Updates For iOS & Android Beta…add color filters, reply shortcut & report spam

WhatsApp has been adding some series of updates to its app
lately even though we are still expecting to see the most anticipated feature “revoke
or recall” and its taking too long to be added.
For iOS users, here are the latest added features
>>You will now be able to use one of the five new
color filters to your media. In order to use these filters, simply capture or
choose a photo, video, or GIF, and swipe to pick a filter.
>>The newest version of the app groups all pictures
together received from one sender if you that type that receives pictures a lot.

>>There’s a new reply shortcut that will help you
respond to messages much faster. You’ll find the new shortcut by swiping left
in any message.
So update your WhatsApp to version 2.17.30 to get the newest
features rolling.
For Android Beta users:
The latest update for WhatsApp beta 2.17.224 allow you to
report spam action for groups and contact in a group. This should be handy to
those of you that they add to groups without your permission or so.

Finally, from what we heard, the recall features will be remotely
enabled in WhatsApp version 2.17.30+. Still waiting for the update though.

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