How to Install Showbox Movie App on PC

If you are a movie lover, the word showbox shouldn’t be knew
to you because it is your number one spot for HD movies, TV shows, cartoons,
Series movies and more movies. You probably have it installed on your Android
phone or you have Moviebox installed on your iPhones but for PC users…

The below tutorial will show you how to install Showbox on
your PC
>>Download Chrome browser on your PC if you don’t have
>>Open the downloaded Google Chrome and download ARC
Welder here
>>Press ‘Add to Chrome’
>>Click on Add App
>>Open ARC Welder
>>Hit ‘Choose‘ and
select a directory or create a new one for ARC Welder (this is where the data
for the installed apps are stored)
>>Download Showbox.apk to your computer here.
>>In ARC Welder, press ‘Add your APK‘ and add the
Showbox .APK
>>Click on Test
>>Showbox will now run on your PC. (If you are getting “Connection Error: Check
your internet connection” error, simply open new tab in Chrome > Apps >
You can also use this method to install any apk on your PC…
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