Google Go can now read your articles and web pages aloud

Go is Google’s lightweight search app that’s aimed at delivering all the information you need while also saving mobile data.

Google today announced that the light version of its search, called Go, can now read virtually any website to you. The Go app can now read content in more than two dozen languages, allowing more people to listen to articles and web pages.

google go

The service was made for people interested in listening to long-form articles, news stories, or any other web content, and is similar to an ebook reader with pause, play, and 2 times speed control.

The service is also helpful for people with visual impairments or who are busy and have trouble finding time to read.

In fact, this same text-to-speech engine will be used to read content in other Google apps and services in the future, Google VP Yossi Matias told VentureBeat in a phone interview.

“This presents some interesting opportunities in the future, as is the case for many other forms that we are using TTS which is how to improve the experience, how to make it more natural, how to adapt it, how to personalize it, these are kind of interesting directions that we may be exploring in the future,” Matias said.

Download Google Go here

Via: VB

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